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Rich Schickel-Healer

My name is Rich Schickel.  I'm a healer, medical intuitive and psychic-medium.  Many people are hesitant to book a reading because they're unsure what to expect in our session.  I'd like to provide some insight. Firstly, I will usually discuss with my client their...

Are You Like A Turtle In It’s Shell?

Without searching, I found a turtle the other day in my path. Turtles are quite common in Arizona, but I had never come across one before. I named her Laurie. She looked like she had gone through some major stuff in her life before she met me, nicks and marks on her...

How to Pray

How To Pray-there is no right way, no single energy. There is the Creator Energy some call God. There are Jesus Christ and dozens of other energies that different people have defined as God. And they are all valid. All parts of the same thread. Just like Christians,...

Why do People Come Into Your Life and Then Leave?

Why do People Come Into Your Life and Then Leave?   People come into your life all the time. Some to teach you, some to love you, some to test you and some to cause you pain. That is to be expected. But every so often you find a person in your life who is so much...

Make Anger your Slave- Not Your Master

Make Anger Your Slave-Not Your Master   Does anger come up in your everyday life? My whole life there have been people, ideas, and events that have made me subsequently angry. From a young age, I was taught certain ideas and concepts that were unjust and I was...

I Think I Can!

I think I can. I always think that I can do something before I find out how hard it can be. Has this ever happened to you? I couldn’t take it anymore! Sitting at my computer day after day doing tax work or counseling people. It was draining me; add to this a recent...

Forget your Troubles – Come On Get Happy!

Forget your troubles-come on get happy! Easy to say right? What are your troubles today?   I bet they go way beyond COVID-19.  Learn how to forget your troubles and get happy! Like the troubles that COVID-19 brings to the world are hard on us all. But the troubles and...

Why Do People Come into Your Life?

Why do People Come Into Your Life and Then Leave? People come into your life all the time. Some to teach you, some to love you, some to test you and some to cause you pain. That is to be expected. But every so often you find a person in your life who is so much like...

Make a Fresh Start in Life

Life is hard sometimes but never hopeless. never give up- make a new plan- get a fresh start! I know that you have been going through some rough times lately. Too much time spent with family does not always make for warm and fuzzy feelings later in the day. Day after...

How to Pray

How To Pray-there is no right way, no single energy. There is the Creator Energy some call God. There are Jesus Christ and dozens of other energies that different people have defined as God. And they are all valid. All parts of the same thread. Just like Christians,...

Understanding and Using The Phrase: “Peace Be Still”

Peace Be Still A local church incorporates the phrase "Peace Be Still" in their weekly program books, even on on of their stained glass windows. Just saying those three words quiet the mind. And yet...   What do these words put together actually mean? I was...

5 Ways to Find the Best Spiritual Counselor Just for YOU!

Know that you want guidance, with no where to turn? Below, please find 5 top ways for you to determine who you will most likely have the best experience with. Enjoy your intuitive messages! Richard 1. Your OWN Intuition Choosing a counselor or healer based on your...

Richard Schickel: Who am I and what I WILL do for you!

Introduction Hello! My name is Richard Schickel. You can call me Rich if you'd prefer. And I am a: Psychic Healer Medical Intuitive Author Medium and Empath. And I almost died three times. Gifts It was after those experiences that my gifts started to open up. That's...

The Power of Gentle

Defining "Gentle" According to, the word "Gentle" includes the meaning of: Kindly Mild and Easily Handled or Managed. And oftentimes, people equivocates the word "Gentle" as being "Weak". Not so. So what IS "Gentle"? Gentle actions are tender and...


Richard Schickel


