Know that you want guidance, with no where to turn?
Below, please find 5 top ways for you to determine who you will most likely have the best experience with.
Enjoy your intuitive messages!
1. Your OWN Intuition
Choosing a counselor or healer based on your “gut” or intuition is, hands down, the very BEST method you deserve to use when selecting someone. When attending a psychic fair or attending an event featuring intuitives and psychics, watch us from a distance as we read / heal others. Do you like the way we are treating the person we are currently with? Do you sense the positive energy that surrounds us while we read / heal? If you like what you see, be sure to sign your name on their waiting list and get ready to learn something more about you!
2. Reputation
Many of us get the majority of our new readings / healings through the referrals of others. So, when you are ready to get a reading or a healing, ask your friends, neighbors and colleagues who they would recommend and why. Ask them why did they choose that person? Did they find the experience to be enjoyable? Why?
3. Still Choose for Yourself
As previously mentioned, go by your instinct as to whether or not, based on what your friend has chosen to share with you, if you would like to meet with their psychic / healer of choice as well. After all, you know yourself better than anyone, so be sure that your final choice is your own.
4. Ask Questions
As long as we’re not busy supporting someone else at the event, please come up to us and ask us questions like: How long have you been reading / healing? How would you describe your style of reading / healing? And once more, listen to your ‘gut’ as to how the reader / healer is answering your questions. And, if you feel comfortable with that person after your mini-interview with them, then ask if you can take a seat so you can enjoy your reading / healing!
5. Document
Take notes! Use your cell phone recording device! Bring your recorder! We feel comfortable having you take notes and /or tape your reading / healing experience with us. After all, even if you have visited us in the past, each visit is a one-time occurrence and you deserve to document the knowledge that you will acquire to the best of your ability.
So, next time, when you feel confused, troubled or stuck, if you are unable to attend one of my events, then instead, please feel free to call me at 520.433.4022 to set up a guaranteed private and confidential appointment for your next reading.
Learn from me how you can intuitively continue to love yourself First, Best and ALWAYS!