Do you want to visit with a psychic or medium, but are unsure where to find one who is caring, confident and genuinely is receiving messages from the “Love and Light Energy?”

Then you need to come to a quaint little sho called the Tucson Psychic and Healing Fair held monthly at the Crystal Event Center 610 W Prince, Tucson from 10-5pm.  Huge parking lot and handicapped accessible. Free admission.  There you will find 10 readers who you can sample for much reduced fair prices.  Also 10 healers and 10 vendors selling spiritual merchandise. All of them are truly connected to Spirit.


We are a “Claire Fair.”   They are clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairesentient, and with many other spiritual gifts.That means that all readers and healers are interviewed and testied before being approved to be in the show.

My rate at the fair is $50 which includes medical intuition, reading and maybe even communication with your family and friends who have passed over.  See  or our page on Facebook.

