Secrets That You Need To Know To Get Your Future Started
Secrets that you need to get your future started right now! I am going to share the secrets that I have learned in my life to give you a head start in your life.
You need to know that you are loved, truly madly and deeply by me and billions of other people. People just like us, living breathing human beings. We might never meet or meet many of them either, but we are all the same. People living in our human bodies and trying to find love, health, food, housing, clothing, comfort and some good times along the way. This can start with a loving mother or parent when you are born and hopefully you will find these people throughout your life. Your future can be shaped from your past.
Know that you know that you are loved unconditionally and without any judgement from me, you need to know that you are no different from the other billions of us here. You do good things that help you and help others and you do dumb, mean or stupid things to yourself and to others. We did not all sign up to be “perfect people.” In fact there are no “perfect people” just people who are better at pretending that than other people.
The second thing that you need to know is that I care about you and your hopes and dreams and goals and ambitions. I have so much desire for you to have a life that is filled with wonderment and happy moment although I know that sometimes the skies will be clouded and grey. We all have trials in life, it is important to help us grow. But it harms you if you never feel like the sun will come up again in your life.
So “me” who could be described a “perfect stranger” is sending you prayers and healing so that you can be the best possible person that you can be. So your life can proceed in the order so allows you to have more smiles than tears. More joys than pains and more champagne and dancing. More sunsets and less funerals.
My work in talking to people just like you is not important if I do not also stop talking and listen to your hopes and dreams. That is what I do and then mix it with whatever the Holy Spirit is sharing with me. I love to help people find themselves in this confusing world. Call me today at 520-668-3243 and lets talk about your future. – Richard