Feeling Hungover

Feeling Hungover is not a good feeling, ever. You look in the mirror and ask yourself what the hell you were trying to prove by drinking or smoking, etc so much. You wonder if it was worth  it the next day.

How do you feel about yourself today? Are you having fun in your life? Are you glad to be who you are? Do you enjoy your life? Can you look into the mirror and tell yourself that you love yourself?

The hangover. You wake in the morning with your head on fire and your eys to bleary to see…Why do you have so much trouble having a good time?

Maybe part of the problem is that you can have a good time because you do not feel good about yourself. Maybe you don’t even like yourself and your life circumstances. I have spoken with people who just want to die and getting drunk or high is a close second way of doing that.

Early in the party state you start to feel good about yourself and a euphoria overtakes the drudgery of your everyday life. You like that feeling, you like it a lot. So you think that just another drink, or bowl or pill will bring you up just a little higher. I am sure that you can keep self-medicating yourself until you are nearly unable to walk and end up worshiping your toilet.

When you wake up, look in that mirror and ask yourself what could you say, do or think that will help you start to feel better at least a little better than you first start to self medicate.

The second thing you should do is to place limits on when and how much you have to use to abuse yourself.

Make liquor your slave, not your master. Thuis applies to taking control over your own life and bad habits. Try to enjoy yourself. Come to see me for a reading and I can share many secrets about your life and maybe release them so that you do not to remember past events in your daily life. Call Richard at 520-668-3243.