Remembering Geeta
PHOTO SOURCE: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/19/world/asia/murder-small-town-india.html
Clearly, this situation is WAY too different for me to comprehend.
I am dealing with a perspective so different from my own that I am still baffled by it all. Yet I’m doing by best to see things differently. To understand this differently.
About a year ago, I read this article in The New York Times about an American reporter investigating a story about how a woman who was actually killed by her husband in front of at least twelve witnesses, was officially noted as her cause of death as accidentally falling down a flight of stairs:
STORY SOURCE: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/19/world/asia/murder-small-town-india.html
I was horrified.
And one year later, I still am.
Why didn’t the truth match the official report?
Why did the police do nothing to ensure that the woman’s mother and two children received justice?
And why wasn’t her husband punished?
One word: Votes.
As explained in this article, in India, unlike here in the United States, group rights override that of the individual’s.
So their local chief coerced and bribed those who wanted to seek justice and revenge.
Just so he could stay in power and remain in control.
Have you ever lied to yourself just so you could appear to remain in power and in control?
I believe that we all have dome that in some way.
Lying to ourselves that this marriage will one day get better, yet staying and dealing with the physical and emotional abuse.
Appearing to be in control of a job, thinking that this is really the best you could ever get, yet staying despite having a boss who yells and screams.
Let it be time to look in the mirror, really look and finally tell yourself the truth.
PICTURE SOURCE: https://www.chatelaine.com/health/are-you-sabotaging-yourself-with-fat-talk/
That’s Step One.
Step Two is to reach out to a friend or counselor or even me to create a plan that can change your life.
To this day, I still believe that Geeta, the woman who died, did not die in vain. She is a reminder and a symbol to us all that none of us deserves to be in a situation that we’re not happy in.
That we intuitively know is harmful to and for us.
Honor Geeta by spiritually saving yourself.
Be different.
I’m here if you’d like to learn how to…Love Yourself First, Best and ALWAYS,